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Federal prosecutors have evidence Donald Trump was put on notice that he could not retain any classified documents after he was subpoenaed for their return last year, as they examine whether the subsequent failure to fully comply with the subpoena was a deliberate act of obstruction by the former president.

Carroll came forward in 2019 with her allegation that Trump raped her in a department store dressing room decades earlier, motivated by the #MeToo movement to reveal the alleged trauma that she’d only ever shared with a few close friends. She later sued him for battery and defamation after he accused her of lying about the encounter.

Il nove dicembre 2016, alti funzionari dell'amministrazione Obama hanno affermato che la Russia ha fornito al sito WikiLeaks migliaia di messaggi di posta elettronica violati dal Comitato Nazionale Democratico (DNC) sulla campagna di Hillary Clinton, al fine di influenzare il risultato delle elezioni. L'FBI ha poi confermato questa affermazione.

Para demonstrar cientificamente esse apontamento, os pesquisadores fizeram 2 MODELOS por testes usando animais: 1 utilizando ESTES donos Destes gatos e outro usando eles mesmos.

, based on data from tax returns filed by Trump during an 18-year period starting in 2000, Trump paid pelo federal taxes in 11 years and only $750 in each of two years, 2016 and 2017. Trump was able to reduce his tax obligations to levels significantly below the average for the wealthiest Americans by claiming massive losses on many of his businesses; by deducting as business expenses costs associated with his residences and his personal aircraft; and by receiving, on the basis of business losses, a tentative refund from the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) of nearly $73 million, which more than covered the federal taxes Trump had paid on income he received from The Apprentice

That was later shown to be untrue, after the FBI later returned with a warrant and seized 101 additional classified documents.

Al giuramento da presidente degli Stati Uniti, ha posto la sua mano destra su due Bibbie, rette dalla moglie Melania: una antica, di proprietà della Lar Bianca, e l'altra regalata a Trump dalla madre nel 1955, in occasione del suo nono compleanno, una copia della traduzione in lingua inglese detta Revised Standard Version.[473]

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Trump’s fortunes rebounded with the stronger economy of the later 1990s and with the decision of the Frankfurt-based Deutsche Bank AG to establish a presence in the U.S. commercial real estate market. Deutsche Bank extended hundreds of millions of dollars jair bolsonaro biografia in credit to Trump in the late 1990s and the bolsonaro jair astrotheme 2000s for projects including Trump World Tower (2001) in New York and Trump International Hotel and Tower (2009) in Chicago. In the early 1990s Trump had floated a plan to his creditors to convert his Mar-a-Lago estate into a luxury housing development consisting of several smaller mansions, but local opposition led him instead to turn it into a private club, which was opened in 1995.

Corcoran found 38 classified documents in the storage room. He then asked whether he should search anywhere else, like Trump’s office, but was steered away, he told associates. Corcoran never searched the office and told prosecutors the 38 papers were the extent of the material at Mar-a-Lago.

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Il giorno successivo il direttore della sala stampa vaticana, padre Federico Lombardi, prese la parola precisando che il Papa non stava lanciando un attacco personale a Trump né tentava di sviare i votanti, dichiarando che qualcuno che costruisce muri non è un cristiano.

Ciononostante, nel 2015 Ivana ha detto che lei e Donald sono "migliori amici" e "insieme abbiamo cresciuto tre figli che amiamo e di cui siamo jair bolsonaro formação particolarmente orgogliosi. Non ho nulla contro Donald e gli auguro il meglio per la sua própria campagna elettorale. Per inciso, penso che sarebbe un ottimo presidente"[584]. Malgrado questo atteggiamento conciliante, Ivana è stata comunque coinvolta in una battaglia legale con l'ex marito per la possibilità di continuare a sfruttare il cognome Trump per i propri affari[585]. Con Ivana ha avuto tre figli:

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